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Youthlinc's Community-Engaged Scholarships

Youthlinc is a local and international service organization whose mission is to create lifetime humanitarians. A core value in Youthlinc is doing  community-engaged work on a regular basis throughout our lifetimes.

Students traveling on Youthlinc-administered Study Abroad trips with Utah State University are eligible to apply for Community-Engaged Scholarships! Scholarships range between $400 and $900. Recipients must do local service to receive scholarships.

Community-Engaged Scholarships

Who Can Apply?

University students who desire to engage in meaningful service in their local community are welcome to apply.

Funds are limited, so students are encourage to apply early.

Eligible Service

Approved service activities must support a population in genuine need and must be person to person.

Eligible service activities include, but are not limited to: volunteering at a hospital, a care center, an afterschool program, supporting refugees, working with people with disabilities, etc.

You can volunteer at a nonprofit, school, or community organization.

Ineligible Service

Ineligible service activities include: donating funds, political lobbying (non-partisan voter registration is eligible), religious instruction, conducting worship service, proselytizing, serving family members, doing court-ordered service, or working with animals.

Requirements If Awarded a Scholarship

If you are awarded a scholarship, you are required to do a predetermined number of hours of service:

  • $400 scholarship = 20 hours

  • $500 scholarship = 25 hours

  • $600 scholarship = 30 hours

  • $700 scholarship = 35 hours

  • $800 scholarship = 40 hours

  • $900 scholarship = 45 hours

Terms & Conditions

If you do not successfully complete the required service, your scholarship will be revoked and you will need to make up the difference in the fee owed for the trip.

Logging & Verifying Hours

You will use Youthlinc's Local Service Directory to log and verify service hours rendered.
Your service must be verified by a volunteer supervisor at the nonprofit, or community organization where the service is being done. Family members are not permitted to verify service. 

If you have questions about the Community-Engaged Scholarship, please contact us at or call us at 801-467-4417

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